Saturday, February 9, 2008

COLD bunny hopping

whew! it's COLD out on the ice today. it's not so much the temp, but the wind whipping snow into tiny needles that sting your skin, if it's exposed.

marlaine is home sick today, and i'm holding down the fort, literally. our roof was sort of hopping with the wind...kind of beginning to blow off the top of our shanty. a few friendly visitors helped me tie it down! i hope it works, we sure need our roof. at 10am sharp, a little boy named joe and his dad and dog showed up in our shanty. he and i played a mean game of badmitten/hockey on the snowy lake.

today was the attempt at breaking a world record- the longest bunny hop on a frozen lake. the long line of people bundled up hopped their little frozen heart out! it was really beautiful and very very fun. i hope we broke the record!

i'm home on a nursing break (little frances won't take a bottle. drat!)
i'd better head back to the tundra for more fun and games.

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