It was so balmy on the lake this past Sunday I didn't even turn the heater on in the shanty. Whoa. However, Karen's soup was still a welcome bowl of warm in the busy afternoon. Bring your own bowl and spoon and you too can have some soup out on the ice every Sunday around 1p.
On Saturday, my big sister came all the way from South Carolina to amaze us, once again, with her clarinet solo stylings. That's her in the black fur wig-like hat and that's me in a rabbit fur baseball cap.
Peter Haakon-Thompson of Autoethnographic Shanty fame ran a knot-tying workshop in the Misfit Toys on Saturday. Once again, it was a rousing success. I cleared out once the shanty was rocking with a bunch of giant men eager to learn how to tie the bowline. These guys seemingly appeared from nowhere, with beer cans in hand and some time to kill. I think one guy called himself 'high life'. Ha! That's one more reason why I love being on a frozen lake surrounded by stuffed animals watching worlds collide.